Make your day clearer and more stunning

Premium Intraocular Lens

Gangnam ID Ophthalmic Clinic first studies the patient's age and eye conditions
(e.g. the axial length the depth of the anterior chamber etc.)
in order to use the premium intraocular lens.
By analyzing each patient's lifestyle we carefully determine which lens is best for the patient and decide on surgery.

프리미엄 인공수정체

We get you
the perfect fit
for intraocular lens

based on
ID Deep Data


Cataract surgery with a special lens is 100% ustomized surgery.
We insert an intraocular lens suitable for your individual's lifestyle and eye conditions.

Best surgical results and high satisfaction

Types of premium intraocular lens

Unlike general cataract surgery our customized premium cataract surgery has the specially designed
'premium intraocular lens' inserted. You will obtain the effect of vision correction
as well as that of cataract treatment

Alcon PanOptix®


미국 Alcon社가 개발한
최신 백내장 렌즈로 생체
친화적 Hydrophobic 재질로
구성된 인공수정체입니다.

  • · 세계최초 4중 초점
  • · 뚜렷한 시력 제공
  • · 적은 각막 절삭량
  • · 빛번짐 · 눈부심 최소화

Gangnam ID Ophthalmic Clinic
is not a mass-producing type of
ophthalmology clinic

We realize cutting-edge
customized surgery through big data

The head directors of the clinic perform
a pre-surgical read check treatment surgery and out-clinic after surgery.
In particular if the patients have high or ultra-high myopia they need a thorough read check decisions on the surgical method and surgery operated by experienced ophthalmologists.
One-on-one care between the patient and an ophthalmologist is also required.


Representative: lee min ji Address: 3 Seocho-daero77-gil Seocho-gu Seoul Republic of Korea
(3rd floor of Ara Tower at Exit 9 of Gangnam Subway Station) TEL: 02-546-1333 Registration Number: 425-38-01439
Copyright ⓒ Gangnam ID Ophthalmic Clinic ALL RIGHT RESERVED.

Reservation/Consultation 02-546-1333

MON.,TUE.,THU.10:00 - 18:30
FRI. 10:00 - 19:30
SAT. 10:00 - 15:00
Closed on Weds., Suns. and public holidays